dada is ...history 1913

In this chronology I will try to make a day to day account of the activities of dadaists in the cities Barcelona, Berlin, Hannover, Köln, New York, Paris, Zürich and the country Holland.
You can search this chronology for keywords by using the key combination "CtrL-F".

Zürich Hugo Ball begins writing his novel Tenderenda der Phantast.
Zürich Hans Arp and Ludwig H. Neitzel publish the book Neue französische Malerei.
New York 20 January: Francis Picabia and Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia arrive in New York to attend the Armory Show.
New York 17 February: Opening of the International Exhibition of Modern Art at the 69th Regiment Armory at 305 Lexington Avenue at 25th Street. Organized by Walter Pach, Arthur Davies and Walt Kuhn and financially backed by patrons Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney and Mabel Dodged The Armory Show, as it is commonly called, is America's first introduction to European modern art.
Zürich 16 March - 4 April: third exposition of Der Moderne Bund.
New York 17 March: Stieglitz's gallery 291 opens with the first one-artist exhibition of Francis Picabia's watercolors.
New York Picabia publishes a statement in Stieglitz's magazine Camera Work concerning his exhibition of watercolors in 291.
New York Stieglitz publishes the April-July issue of Camera Works in which the proto-dada statement Vers l'amorphisme appears, signed by "Les Hommes du Jour".
New York 8 April: 291 shows abstract caricatures by Marius de Zayas. Francis Picabia, one of the subjects, is impressed. He and De Zayas become friends.
Paris 29 May 20:45 hr: Premiere of the ballet Le Sacre du Printemps by Ballet de Russe, on music by Igor Stravinsky, danced by Nijinski. The ballet shocks the public in a pre-dadaist way.
Berlin Marsden Hartley arrives in Berlin, where he will stay untill the end of 1915.
Zürich Rudolf von Laban opens in Ancona a summer branch of his Münicher Schule des freien Tanzes.
Berlin Erste Deutsche Herbstsalon in Der Sturm.
Zürich Hugo Ball issues together with Hans Leybold the radical leftwing magazine Die Revolution.
Münich: In the Café Simplizissimus Hugo Ball meets the perfomance artist Emmy Hennings.
Berlin Marsden Hartley makes a brief trip to New York for his one-artist exhibition at 291.
Paris 14 November: Salon d'Automne with works by Francis Picabia, Albert Gleizes and Kupka. Cubist works are excluded.
Zürich Dissolution of Der Moderne Bund