In this chronology I will try to make a day to day account of the activities of dadaists in the cities Barcelona, Berlin, Hannover, Köln, New York, Paris, Zürich and the country Holland.
You can search this chronology for keywords by using the key combination "CtrL-F".
Paris Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia meet. They will develop a lifelong friendship. Zürich Foundation of the artist group Der Moderne Bund by Hans Arp, Walter Helbig and oscal Lüthy in Weggis. July Zürich Opening of Café Odéon at the Limmatquai 2. Like Café de la Terasse at the Limmatquai 3 it will be a meeting point for the Züricher dadaists. December Zürich 3 - 17 December: first exposition of Der Moderne Bund in Hotel du Lac in Luzern with works of Hans Arp, Walter Helbig, Oscar Lüthy, Paul Gauguin and Pablo Picasso. Publication of the first Mappe des Modernen Bundes, which is the first publication on abstract art in Swiss. |