In this chronology I will try to make a day to day account of the activities of dadaists in the cities Barcelona, Berlin, Hannover, Köln, New York, Paris, Zürich and the country Holland.
You can search this chronology for keywords by using the key combination "CtrL-F".
Paris Marcel Duchamp meets the Italian Futurist painters Boccioni and Severini at hte Futurist exhibition in Galerie Bernheim-Jeune. Munich: Hans Arp takes part in the second exhibition of the Blaue Reiter. March Paris Marcel Duchamp's painting Nu descendu une escalier (Nude Descending a Staircase) creates a scandal and is withdrawn from the Salon des Indépendants. Berlin Founding of galery and magazine Der Sturm, which was run by Herwarth Walden untill 1915. April Paris Arthur Cravan publishes the first issues of Maintenant. With it he is already working out the strategy of scandal, which will later be addopted by other dada groups. May Paris Marcel Duchamp, Gabrielle Buffet, Francis Picabia and Apollinaire attend a performance of the stage version of Raymond Roussel's Impression d'Afrique in Théâtre Antoine. Berlin expositions of Futurism in Der Sturm. Fall Berlin Meeting between Hugo Ball & Richard Huelsenbeck. October Paris dissident exhibition Section d'Or at Galerie Floury at the instigation of Francis Picabia. |