dada is ...nothingDada is nothing?

Dada articles

hand Dada is a life style, not art.
Why the dada soiree in Zaal Rosehaghe is more a lesson to the public than an artistic display of talent.

Dada c'est rien?

Is it like Francis Picabia wrote?

"Dada, lui, ne veut rien, rien, rien, il fait quelque chose pour le public dise: 'nous ne comprenons rien, rien, rien'.
Les Dadaistes ne sont rien, rien, rien, bien certainement ils n'arriveront à rien, rien, rien".

qui ne sait rien, rien, rien.

From Manifeste DADA by Francis Picabia
Published in 391, no.12, March 1920.

I don't believe dada stands for nothing, for anarchy, for chance. Nor that dadaists are nothing, like Picabia writes in his manifestoe. In some articles I will try to make clear why in the articles in this section of the dada site.

Comments to Martin Woestenburg

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