dada is ...history 1919

In this chronology I will try to make a day to day account of the activities of dadaists in the cities Barcelona, Berlin, Hannover, Köln, New York, Paris, Zürich and the country Holland.
You can search this chronology for keywords by using the key combination "CtrL-F".

Zürich 12 January-2 February: First exposition of 'Das Neue Leben' in Kunsthaus Zürich (see 10-11-1918)
Zürich On the 22th Francis Picabia arrives in Zürich. Collaboration between Dada 4/5 and 391.
Zürich 391 nr. 8.
Zürich On the 8th Francis Picabia goes to Paris as trailblazer for tristan Tzara.
Zürich 9 April: Eighth dada-soirée in Saal zur Kaufleuten.
Zürich 15 May: Dada 4/5 (Anthologie Dada). Editor and administration: tristan Tzara.
ZürichNovember: Der Zeltweg appears. It will be the last magazine from Zürich.