dada is ...history 1918

In this chronology I will try to make a day to day account of the activities of dadaists in the cities Barcelona, Berlin, Hannover, Köln, New York, Paris, Zürich and the country Holland.
You can search this chronology for keywords by using the key combination "CtrL-F".

Zürich On the 20th tristan Tzara's 'Vingt-cinq poèmes' is published in Collection Dada.
Zürich On the 23th the seventh dada-soirée ('Soirée tristan Tzara') is held in Zunfthaus zur Mayse.
Zürich tristan Tzara goes to hospital with a neurosis.
ZürichIn the midst of September an exposition of 'Neue Kunst' is held in Kunstsalon Wolfsberk.
Zürich 10 November-1 December: Exposition of the artist group 'Das Neue Leben' in the Kunsthalle in Basel.
Zürich Publication of 'Dada 3', editor: tristan Tzara, administration Mouvement Dada.